If you are mobility impaired or have a friend or loved one who is, have you ever considered or questioned how to evacuate a building via the stairs in the event of an emergency and when lifts can not be used ?
Well may be you should !
Too often we hear about small gaps around fire doors and thousands of pounds being spent to remedy them, a tag missing from a fire extinguisher, a fire action notice missing from a call point, a small hole in a fire resisting compartment wall which are all very important of course but is the focus and priority on the right things !
The most important issue around legislation and regulations is life safety but we still see far too many premises with a lack of provisions in place thus putting lives at risk and employers and service providers exposed to non-compliance and a risk of prosecution.
A hotel, roof top bar, office, shop, school or even a care home, to assist us in raising awareness, take a look at your premises and consider:
Could a mobility impaired person be evacuated up or down stairs to a place of complete safety ?
Are suitable and sufficient provisions in place ?
Are an adequate number of trained personnel present ?
Have drills been carried out to ensure any equipment provided is actually fit for purpose ?
Could you really evacuate everyone from the building without depending on the Fire and Rescue Service ?
If the answer is no improvements may be required and if you need expert advice or a FREE survey please contact us at
