New Year, New Opportunities. GLOBEX continues to seek ways to raise awareness and improve standards to ensure the safe evacuation of mobility impaired persons from buildings in the event of an emergency and when lifts can not be used.
To achieve this we offer a variety of partner plans so if you are seeking additional income or an add-on business opportunity please get in touch.
As previous blogs have indicated, just because access is provided into a building does not mean suitable provisions are in place to ensure the safe evacuation of mobility impaired people from the upper of lower levers of buildings such as the disabled, the elderly, pregnant woman or injured people.
It may be you or a loved one that may assume you can be evacuated safely so why not check and ask the building managers what provision are in place, this may be a public buildings, hotels, offices, retail premises, educational establishments, care homes or private residential properties.
Evacuating mobility impaired people must not be left to chance.
For further information on how to help us to help other email for an information pack.
Its time for change !