Most of us purchase goods online these days but it is important to remember that when purchasing fire safety and evacuation equipment that you also ensure the provider offers training and maintenance to ensure compliance.
Purchasing of the actual equipment is just part of the process, training on the correct use of the equipment purchased and maintenance is essential for life safety and meeting current statutory obligations.
When it comes to evacuation equipment there are also a few other things to consider including:
Site survey to ensure the correct equipment is purchased and professional advice for a detailed specification on the number and location.
Demonstration of the equipment to ensure in is suitable in your premises
Commissioning and installation service
Certificate training for operators or inhouse trainers
Maintenance at least annually and regular inhouse checks
Refresher training at least annual or in accordance with your in house policy
Have a robust PEEP/GEEP process in place
A suitable and sufficient fire and evacuation assessment process and review
Record keeping for all training and maintenance records
Regular fire drills to ensure procedures are effective
Are you satisfied that you can evacuate mobility impaired persons from all parts of your building without depending on the Fire and Rescue Service ?
Contact us if you require any assistance on some or all the above.
